We will now continue with the second part of the information
from the Sirian Governing Council.
If properly approached this event will enable you to solve most of your economic, social, and environmental problems. We, of the Sirian Governing Council, pledge to help your planet through this crisis and to work towards your acceptance in the Federation.
This activity is no easy deed. For the most part, many of your people who have studied our directed sightings have reacted in odd ways. They have either discounted our activity or viewed our information as unreliable. This viewpoint is most unfortunate. Even the hard evidence that we have left behind has been received with an opinion of disbelief and uncertainty. We seek to help you in a way that allows this planet to make a decision without undue outside pressure. However, this approach has lead to unforseen consequences such as the complete denial of our existemnce by some sigments of your population.
To accomplish our stated goals, this governing body will simple state at this time that we have put into action a well thought out program. These activities as they unfold will directly prove beyond all circumstances our physical existence and our true intentions for friendship and assistance.
We are your elders and we must lead you to those actions that preseve your world and minimize any possible mass destruction of your planet's biosphere. Our cetacean friends accept the validity of our mission. We are a civilization that comes in peace hoping to spread our message of light and love.
Our actions speak louder...
Soom our actions will convience you and your denials will fade away. However, we are also prepared for the need for additional activities to prove the validity of our assigned objectives. Therefore, just know that our love and determination are boundless and our desires for direct contact are honest and sincere.
JW This is the first bunch of space people that I've heard of who admitted to making some of the crop circles.
The End. Part 2.
Source Of Information: Beyond Wizdom, Sheldon Nidle, P.O. Box 811, Half Moon Bay, Calif. 94019, 415-726-2827.